This article collects and organizes convenient tools and channels to send money to the U.S. To send money from the U.S. please read Send Money to China.

Restrictions on Remittances to the United States

  • Remittances to the general purchase of foreign exchange in the country after the remittance, personal purchase of foreign exchange to collect 50,000 U.S. dollars per year or the equivalent of foreign currency limits, more than the limit need to provide materials to prove that the funds are derived from the use of lawful and have been tax-paid
  • Remittance of tuition fees for overseas study through regular channels can be exempted from the $50,000 limit on individual purchases of foreign exchange as long as proof is provided, but this policy is said to be quite unstable.
  • Large-amount remittances with “ants moving” loophole, even if a single channel compliance, but can trigger the regulation of even friends and relatives, and the actual operation may also be very troublesome!
  • It is illegal to send money from China to the U.S. through an underground bank, and it is very difficult for people who are not part of this community to take this risk. Any private money transfer channel that claims to be “safe” carries a huge amount of risk, so readers should be careful!
  • China remittance to the U.S. BOA bank more, relatively safe, remittance to Chase, etc. may not be so safe.
  • Remittances to the U.S. should be filed in a timely manner on Form 3520, which is tax-deductible, or else they are vulnerable to IRS targeting
  • If you intend to buy a home in the US, the funds need to be transferred to a US account at least one month in advance.

National remittance control and bank service policies may change at any time, so readers are advised to call the branch to confirm before going there to send money. Also: being monitored! Chinese remittances to the U.S. are tougher, do this transit banks also come to check you.

Handling fee for sending money to the United States

Handling fees usually include remittance bank charges, intermediary bank charges, inward bank charges and telegraphic charges. If it is a ticket remittance, there is no telegraphic charges, but you need to mail the draft to the United States. Bank of China and China Merchants Bank have branches in the U.S. (New York), so there is no intermediary bank fee for remittance from the Chinese branch to the U.S.. China Merchants Bank’s handling fee is one thousandth of one percent, the minimum of 100 yuan RMB maximum 1000 yuan, the sunflower card users remittance is free of charge, China Merchants Bank one card users handling fee 50% discount. The handling fee of China Citibank is also 1/1000, minimum 50, maximum 500, telegraph fee 120, CCB minimum 20, maximum 300, telegraph fee 80, the U.S. inbound bank handling fee is generally 15-20 U.S. dollars, you’d better call and ask the customer service of your bank.

Domestic UnionPay card in the vast majority of U.S. ATMs can be withdrawn, but each withdrawal is charged a fee ranging from 2-5 U.S. dollars, some U.S. banks such as PNC, CitiBank is said to be free of ATM cash handling fees, how much exchange rate loss because readers do not have much experience, please readers to understand on their own, but I remember that the domestic ATM cash withdrawal of foreign currency cards is the loss of exchange rate, which actually is the big head of the fee. ATM cash withdrawals are also charged by Bank of China, but it is said that the card of Huaxia Bank is free of charge for one transaction per day.

Panda Express

The Panda Express trial is currently one of the few online services that support direct remittance of RMB to overseas, personal remittance and study abroad payment can be, the fee is a price of 80 yuan RMB, the remittance service is with the territory of the Tianjin Jincheng Bank cooperation, by the government and the bank supervision, legal and compliant business. Currently support Australia/Hong Kong/Singapore/Europe/UK/USA/Japan/Canada, the service is temporarily limited to the use of [mainland China residents]; remittance quota individual is currently 50,000 U.S. dollars / year, if there is a trading background of personal remittances such as study abroad contributions are not subject to quota limits (specific uploaded materials for review and approval); remittance exchange rate to the creation of the order when the remittance shall prevail, the payment of the RMB after the success of exchange rate The exchange rate is subject to the remittance rate when the order is created:

RMB for other currencies is expected to arrive in about 3 working days; Panda Express’s China outward remittance service is provided by partner banks. Online customer service working hours: Beijing time 9:00-21:00. After working hours, please contact: China Outward Remittance North America/Europe exclusive customer service:


This site and Panda Express have a partnership, which is recommended: personal use of new users for the first time to send 10 yuan credit coupon, study abroad payment of new users for the first time to use the first lottery at least free of handling fees.

Alipay Upper Bank Remittance

Note: Alipay Upper Bank Money Transfer has been suspended from December 1, 2020 onwards. Readers are advised to consider the other money transfer services to the US mentioned in this article, or if the amount is small, try peer-to-peer money transfer services such as Swapsy.

Through the Alipay docking Shanghai Bank electronic account can be small remittances to the United States, the operation is convenient, the handling fee is not too expensive, a single on the bank charges 40 yuan, the receiving bank depending on the U.S. bank. A single remittance of up to 30,000 yuan, individuals can remit up to 50,000 U.S. dollars or an equivalent amount of foreign currency throughout the year, but the good news is that if the remittance is used for tuition fees for studying in the United States, as long as you provide proof of this may not be counted as part of the annual limit on the purchase of foreign currency.

Find the entrance in Alipay APP (must be China domestic ID) by searching for cross-border remittance after SBP remittance.

Alipay Upper Bank Remittance Entrance

Select the outgoing currency, fill in the amount and start sending.

Note that this exchange rate may cost you a certain amount of money, and you can compare it to the actual exchange rate on that day.

SBP to start sending money to the United States

Fill in the remitter’s information.

Confirmation of remitter's information for Alipay remittance

Open an electronic account with the Bank of Shanghai.

Alipay remittance to open Shanghai Bank e-account

Once opened, you can start sending money.

Here’s more about Alipay Upper Bank Transfer, and here are some other links about Upper Bank Transfer, just for reference:


A platform specializing in services to US institutions, supporting education and healthcare. Travel industry quite a few organizations, support RMB payment. Link


Similar services to Flyway, a one-stop remittance and payment platform for overseas students, from application fees, deposits, tuition, dormitory fees to off-campus rent, payment for study abroad, all in one place, 48 hours to the account can be used for direct payment by domestic UnionPay card, with a handling fee of 80-200 (on a website)

Western Union

There are two channels for Western Union to send money to the United States: electronic or agent network. The electronic channel requires you to open e-banking in Western Union Cooperative Bank and then operate it in online banking or mobile banking; the agent network requires the remitter to go to the field in person with ID and other information.

E-channel cooperative banks are currently: Everbright, Pudong, Postal Reserve. Among them, Postal Reserve Bank is the most convenient, as it is spread all over the country. For offline branch information, please refer to the Chinese introduction page of the official website below.

Western Union to the U.S. is not fast, expensive and has non-transparent fees.

Send money from China to the U.S. through Western Union’s partner online banks or agents, see the Chinese introduction page on the Western Union website.


Unlike Western Union, which can also be handled online, MoneyGram can only be handled offline, with the benefit of no wire fees, intermediary bank fees, and fast remittance speeds, which are normally operated and arrive within half an hour of the transfer.

MoneyGram also supports money transfers to the country. Send money to the U.S. through MoneyGram from a domestic correspondent bank branch. MoneyGram Agent Locations

bank wire transfer

It is still the most common way to send money to the United States. The advantage is that almost all banks can handle it, the network is all over the place, convenient. The disadvantages are quite a lot, remittance line and remittance line are charged handling fees, transit bank charges, and telegraphic charges, for small remittances is not cost-effective, but the large amount of remittance of foreign currencies and have to go through the regulatory approval and limitations of non-transparent, the feeling is that the various banks may be different, compared to these, fill in the cumbersome purchase of foreign exchange remittance order is a small matter of time.

Link (for reference only):

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